As a SW/Ops/DB Engineer

riywo’s technology memo

My Github Trends 2013-09-04

I love github. I introduce some github repositories from Today’s trends or my recent starred. I will continuously post Github Trends every day hopefully…

I read only README, so my impression must be useless, but I hope it will be a chance for readers to know awesome github repositories.


This is a super simple CLI tool for statistics written in Perl. We, no more need awk, perl, ruby, python or any annoying one-liner.


Most people upload their dotfiles into github. They must use this tool. You can manage your dotfiles and home directory using separate git repositories. Awesome.


github commit with emoticon is cheerful work. The example map application is super cool!


Excellent… The best local git repository management application. I usually use tig, but I will try this super awesome tool.

See ya!
